Select Conferences
"Seeking Patriotic Respectability: The Complexities of Irish-Language Identity in the United States, 1870-1914," American Conference for Irish Studies, Savannah, GA, February 2025.
"Irish Charms in Transatlantic Print, 1800-1920," 2024 Conference of the ISFNR Committee on Charms, Charmers, and Charming, Helsinki, Finland, June 2024.
"Creating a Digital Edition of Brooklyn’s Irish-Language An Gaodhal Newspaper, 1881-1904," Mid-Atlantic American Conference for Irish Studies, Boston, MA, October 2023.
"Creating a Digital Edition of Brooklyn’s Irish-Language An Gaodhal Newspaper, 1881-1904," American Conference for Irish Studies, San Jose, CA, June 2023.
"Elusive Education-Policy Planning around Non-English Languages in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland," Victorian Literary Languages Research Network, Dublin, Ireland, August 2022.
"Irish Linen and American Cotton: The Financial Networks of the Early Nineteenth-Century Brown Brothers Company," Midwest Conference American Conference for Irish Studies, LaCrosse, WI, October 2022.
"A New Metric for an Old Question: Intergenerational Transmission and Irish-Language Shift, 1851-1891," American Conference for Irish Studies, Derry, Ireland, June 2021.
"Mining for Charm Information in Large-Scale Digital Library Corpora," 18th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research, Zagreb, Croatia, September 2021.
"Data Mining, Large-Scale Bibliographic Analysis, and Other Computational Approaches to Irish Studies," Modern Language Association, Seattle, WA, January 2020.
"Using Intergenerational Transmission as a New Marker of Irish-Language Shift, 1851-1891," Mid-Atlantic American Conference for Irish Studies, New York, NY, November 2019.
"The Impact of Ireland, 1912–1985, on the Historiography of the Irish Language," 30th Anniversary Reflections on J.J. Lee's Ireland, 1912-1985: Politics and Society, Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, Ireland, April 2019.
"Restrain, Liberate, Kill: Parsing the Language of Blocking Sickness in Irish Charms," Meeting of ISFNR Committee on Charms, Charmers, and Charming, Pescara, Italy, May 2019.
"Tracing Irish Studies through Citations and Library Holdings: A Data-Driven View," American Conference for Irish Studies, Boston, MA, March 2019.
"Native and Nonnative Saints in Nineteenth-Century Irish-Language Charm Historiola," Verbal Charms and Narrative Genres Conference, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, December 2017.
"Unpacking the Family Networks of the Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank Ledgers"
Global Diaspora Congress, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, August 2017.
"Mining Fifty Years of ACIS National Meeting Programs," American Conference for Irish Studies, Kansas City, MO, April 2017.
"Trends and Trajectories in Irish Studies: Text Mining the Éire-Ireland Archive," Mid-Atlantic American Conference for Irish Studies, Washington, DC, November 2017.
"Building a Picture of Charm Types, Practices, and Extent in Early Nineteenth-Century Ireland," 9th Conference for the International Committee for Charms, Charmers, and Charming, Cork, Ireland, May 2016.
Talks and Invited Lectures
"The Emergence of the Global Irish-Speaking Population in the Nineteenth Century: Implications and Impacts," Invited Talk, Columbia University Irish Studies Seminar, February 2024.
"Pinpointing Rates of Nineteenth-Century Language Shift in Ireland: A Return to the Census Data," Invited Talk, Dublin City University/Fiontar, March 2021.
"Corpas Litríochta na Gaeilge sa Naoú hAois Déag: Amharc Domhanda," Invited Lecture, CUNY Lehman, April 2019.
"Digital Resistance: On Digital Humanities as Counter-Narrative in Irish Studies," Plenary Lecture, Midwest American Conference for Irish Studies, Columbia, MO, October 2017.
"A Historical Sketch of the Irish Speakers of New York State," Invited Lecture, Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY, September 2016.
"Reflecting on Contemporary Digital Scholarship as an Act of Composition," The Future of the Contemporary: An International Colloquium, Dublin, Ireland, February 2016.
"An Irish-Speaking Island," Invited Lecture, American Irish Historical Society, New York, NY, February 2015.
"Ireland's Other 'Silence'? Reexamining Language Shift in Ireland in the Nineteenth Century," Thomas D'Arcy McGee Memorial Lecture, St. Mary's University, Halifax, NS, March 2015.
"The National School System and the Irish Language in the Nineteenth Century," History of Education Seamus Heaney Lecture Series 2015, St. Patrick's College, Drumcondra, October 2015.
"Needs and Approaches for Today's Third-Generation Digital Humanities Projects," Digital Humanities and Irish Literary Studies Colloquium, University College Dublin, Ireland, December 2013.
"New Approaches, Digital and Conceptual, to the Geolinguistic Landscape of 19th c. Britain and Ireland," Triangle Global British History Seminar, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 2013.
"Recovering the Irish Language of the Nineteenth Century: A Measure of the Challenge," Invited talk, Melbourne Irish Studies Seminar, University of Melbourne/Newman College, Australia, December 2011.
"Pilgrims, Apparitions, and the Resurgence of the Laity in Irish Historiography," Symposium on Modern Irish and British History Honoring James Donnelly, Madison, WI, November 2008.